
Jake + Christy

We had the distinct pleasure of working with Jake and Christy on their wedding invitation this spring. Christy and I have been friends since we were five, and Joel and Christy's brother Greg were only toddlers when they became partners-in-crime. Joel and I spent many nights at the Sherman house - sharing secrets, camping in the backyard, and causing general mayhem.

Flash forward: Christy is getting married to the most amazing man, Jake (Seriously, they are one of the coolest couples we know. Case in point: they're hiking Mt. Kilimanjaro on their honeymoon), and Greg is a Navy helicopter pilot stationed somewhere off the coast of Africa.

On July 2nd Jake and Christy said their vows on the beach in Coronado. It was one of the most beautiful, heartfelt ceremonies I have ever had the honor of witnessing. The ceremony was brief, so the guests stood throughout, and when the pastor proclaimed them man and wife, Christy almost knocked Jake off his feet in her rush to kiss him.
We especially loved the colors they chose (green and yellow), and Jake and Christy's laid-back approach to their wedding day. Their reception was held on a wooden deck a short walk from the water.
We danced, ate, drank, and sent Jake and Christy off on their adventure together. They were radiant.

Thank you, Jake and Christy, for letting us be part of your wedding day, and your lives. We love you.


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